Problems of the Week
Teaching HOW to think, not WHAT to think
Teaching HOW to think, not WHAT to think
Problems of the Week (POWs) are one of the most significant pieces of the Animas High School Mathematics curriculum. While working on these novel and complex mathematical problems, students explore and practice various elements of the problem-solving process, share and refine their work, and offer self and peer feedback. Over time, students dramatically improve their ability to understand and solve problems, one of the most essential skills involved in addressing the challenges of the modern world.
Students are assigned multiple Problems of the Week per unit, in each grade level, which they work on over the course of a week. POWs may or may not be connected to the content of the unit. In general, they are a chance for students to practice Habits of a Mathematician: to generate ideas, communicate thinking, recognize and resolve errors, and reflect and synthesize. As a way to practice and develop these habits, students complete a POW writeup, in which they summarize the problem, describe and justify their process and solution, reflect on their experience, and ask a follow-up question. Collaboration is highly encouraged, as working with others often exposes students to patterns of thought that may differ than their own, and encourages them to explore and compare multiple strategies. |